Video capture software is an essential blogging tool

Using a video as the basis for a blogg story can serve as a great inspiration. With video frame capture software you can get a total overview of a complete video and you save time by not having to watch the video several times. An added bonus with using video capture software as the basis for your blogg is that you get perfect matching photos for you story for free.

Do you also have a hard time finding topics for your blogg? Have you considered using videos as the basis for some of your blogg entries? If you are doing a personal blogg you probably already have some fun and interesting video clips you could be writing about. If you are blogging on a specific subject the video sharing networks, like YouTube, are an endless source of material and inspiration.

Select a video to blogg about

When you have decided on the video to blogg about and have the file on your harddrive you are ready to start. If you have decided to blogg about a video on YouTube start by downloading the streamed flash file to your computer, I recommend the excellent Firefox plugin video download helper. The download helper plugin lets you download streamed Flash video files to your computer. Flash video is the format used by most video sharing sites including YouTube. To be able to play Flash videos you will also need a DirectShow video codec if you are using windows media player. If you have problem with any of this you can read this guide : Indexing and capturing video frames from FLV videos.

Capture video frames

Start Fast Video Indexer and add your video file to the program. If you do not have Fast Video indexer installed you can download it from Go to the options page and select to extract jpeg images. I also recommend that you change the setting to extract one frame about every half minute or even less if your video is short. Return from the settings page and click Next to begin video frame capture. After a few seconds indexing has completed and you have a complete overview of the video clip.


Now it is time to start writing. When you are writing you can either continue to view the captured images in Fast Video Indexer or use your favourite image viewer. With all the captured frames from the video you have a complete story board that serves as a great summary of the video file. Try to connect your notes about what happens and write down a story with your personal observations and opinions. As a final step, select a few of the captured video frames and use them to illustrate your story. At the rate videos are added the web you have and endless source of material, Video capture software makes it easy to tap into that source.


Fast video indexer homepage
Video capture software download
Indexing and capturing video frames from FLV videos.

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