Author: admin

Fast Video Indexer 1.18

I just uploaded the 1.18 version of Fast Video Indexer. Most user will probably not see a differece but there are two reasons to upgrade. First, if you are using fast video indexers vix project file in your own solutions…

Fast video indexer and Windows 7

Just a quick note today… I noticed that I had a few places where it said that Fast video indexer worked on Windows XP, Vista etc but had missed Windows 7. I just want to make that clear; Fast Video…

Fast video indexer 1.17

I have just uploaded a new version of Fast Video Indexer. Fast Video Indexer is now compiled with Visual Studio 2010. It’s more modern compiler that what I used before so it should result in slightly better performance, though i…

The most common video problem

Without any doubt the single most common problem people have today with Fast video indexer are codec related crashes. Lets start with the technical bit and and the end of the text I will give you a practical tip on…

Fast video indexer awards

Every once and a while I get emails saying the Fast video indexer got an award on some webpage. I think most of these awards are just a way to lure software developers to give their a backlink. So, I…

Focus on Fast video indexer

Hi everyone. The last year I have been focusing on other projects than Fast video indexer. I am working in the computer game industry and this year I have spend a huge amount of time working on two big games…

Fast video indexer 1.16

Fast video indexer 1.16 is now available for download. It’s a small upgrade, the difference is that time is now send to the template in ms instead of seconds. The reason for this change was that if you captured more…